InstantMask Pro v2.31 - Punya Pribadi

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

InstantMask Pro v2.31

InstantMask is a simple, easy to use and powerful background removal and image masking tool. It lets you remove background with few mouse clicks and moves. You mark the object with one marker and background with another and the program does the rest.
The main advantages compared with similar programs are robust segmentation algorithm, smooth edges and fast processing time(less then 2 seconds for 10 mpx photo with Intel Core Duo 2.6 GHz ). Give JumpBox InstantMask a try to fully assess its capabilities!

Here are the main features of InstantMask Pro:
· Easy automatical background removal using two markers.
· Setting new background to white, transparent, any color with transparency support.
· Using another picture as a new background, making a collage of two pictures.
· New convenient tools for perfecting your work – eraser, foreground brush and background brush.
· Special “preview selection” mode to see what will be isolated.
· Tools configuration – you can select width of markers and brushes and a selection opacity.

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Download:(InstantMask Pro v2.31)

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