Speed Gear 7.1 - Punya Pribadi

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Speed Gear 7.1

Speed Gear 7.1 - The best games speed hack Software, hack games speed with one click! Speed Gear is a fantastic speed hack software to change game speed. It can hack the speed of all kinds of games. Speed Gear is very easy-to-use, you can press an easily accessible hotkey to speed game up, slow game down or adjust game to the speed you feel most comfortable with. Speed Gear will give you brand new experience while playing games. For example; with this program you can slow down action games so that you can beat boss easily.
Speed Gear supports Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and 7, almost all the Windows OS.

Feature List:
Speed hack software to speed game up or slow game down.
Give you brand new experience while playing games.
All software will change the speed after you adjust the speed rating.
Speed up Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and 7, almost all the Windows OS.
Our special "duo-speeder-engine", "time-redemption" and "linearity-accelerate" technology.

Installation Instructions

1 - Open folder Speed Gear 7.1 and install sgsetup.exe and follow the on screen prompts
2- After installation do not run the program yet
3 - Copy the crack from the map "crack" and paste it where you installed the programme! [C:\programs\speed gear 7.1.........]
4 - Run and enjoy.


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