Backtrack 5 r1 Blackhat DVD 32-bit version - Punya Pribadi

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Backtrack 5 r1 Blackhat DVD 32-bit version

With Defcon and BlackHat over, the team here is slowly recovering from the cons. We have a ton of news and updates, including a delay of one week on the release of BackTrack 5 R1. We-d rather delay the release a bit more and make sure it-s perfect. To all those manically waiting - keep your pants on!
BackTrack 5 R1 pre-Release

With over 7,000 DVDs released at BlackHat, we once again would like to thank the BlackHat folks for all their efforts. An additional -thank you- is in order to all the testers who have been reporting back to us. We received many requests to add some amazing tools which were presented during the cons. We are actively working on including these tools into BackTrack 5 R1 - hence the delay.

BackTrack ISO Generator Engine

This month we will be releasing a new paid service which will allow easy, online generation of custom built BackTrack images. Backtrack users who require custom builds will be able to use a simple web interface to configure and customize various aspects of BackTrack, such as package selection, graphics, penetration testing templates, drivers etc. We are very excited about this new service as it will provide a unique opportunity for various organizations and individuals to create unique and highly customized BackTrack environments for the first time. A percentage of all profits from this service will be directed towards Johnny Long-s HFC program.

BackTrack Commercial Services

Together with the ISO generation service, we will be announcing our new commercial BackTrack Support Channel. This service will allow large organizations which require official support, in order to deploy BackTrack in their networks, to finally do so. The BackTrack Support Channel will allow for direct communication with our developers, to aid in easy enterprise installation and deployment processes. The service will initially be provided to enterprise organizations only. For more information about the BackTrack Support Channel, contact info at backtrack-linux dot org.

BackTrack 5 - Free and open-source

With all these commercial services going on, this would be a good time to reassure our community that we are fully committed to a free, open-source BackTrack, forever. This will never change. We hope that through our commercial services, we will be able to better fund BackTrack and (heavens forbid) actually start paying our developers for their time and effort.

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