Dreamscene for Win7 (x86) - Punya Pribadi

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Dreamscene for Win7 (x86)

This is a program for windows 7 so that you can run Animated backgrounds on your desktop, inclueded a few dreamscenes to get you started with new found softwear....
This program only works for the 86x (32bit) system
1) extract the rar.file ("Dreamscene")
2) Right click on windows7-DreamScene and click "Run as administrator"
now follow the easy to use instructions as they are promped to you when finished close the window
and restart your computer.
3) once the computer has restarted right click on your desktop and scroll down to see dreamscene
( Dont worry if you cant highlight it yet, we are getting ready to get to that)
4) now open the file "DreamsceneBackgrnds" that i have provided for you to get you started, once
you have found the one you want simply right click on it and select set as desktop background .....
and there you go....you now have animated backgrounds for your windows 7 system, HURRAY you did it...
NOTE: you can pause and unpause your background by simply right clicking on your desktop and click pause background
and vice-versa to unpause ......

Terima Kasih Telah Berkunjung di kananQu, Mohon Maaf Apabila Ada Link Download Yang Sudah Tidak Bisa Lagi....
