Portable Abrosoft FantaMorph v5.4.2 - Punya Pribadi

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Portable Abrosoft FantaMorph v5.4.2

Portable Abrosoft FantaMorph v5.4.2

With Abrosoft FantaMorph, creating fantastic image morphs and warp movies has never been easier and faster! You can do everything a professional animation director does to create amazing images and animations. FantaMorph supports most image formats including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, TGA, PCX, and even professional 32-bit with alpha formats. Exporting to Image Sequence, AVI, Animated GIF, Flash, Screen Saver, Standalone EXE and other formats are supported. You can crop, rotate, flip, adjust color, add caption or some cool effects for the source images and the final movie, all with FantaMorph's built-in tools, without having to go to any additional software.
Possibilities of the program:
- Very fast rendering engine with full OpenGL hardware acceleration
Preview and playback in real-time
- Import and export 32-bit images with alpha channel support: BMP, TIFF, PNG, TGA
- Export the image as an image sequence, AVI clip, animated GIF, Flash movie, screensaver or EXE file
- Morphing with more than two images as a source in one project
- Crop, rotate or flip, adjust color, add a label or image filters and roller
- Professional tools for control ìîğôèíãîì
- Create amazing effects with backgrounds, masks, foreground, light and sound
- Printing of images and preview images before printing
- Automatic detection of facial features and accommodation of key dots on appropriate positions
- Creation of a virtual entity of the few real people
- And many other features

Home Page - www.fantamorph.com

Download :
| Link1 | Link2 |

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