KORG Audio Gate 3.0.2 Build 7274 Portable - Punya Pribadi

Senin, 29 September 2014

KORG Audio Gate 3.0.2 Build 7274 Portable

KORG Audio Gate 3.0.2 Build 7274 Portable | 65.9 MB

Powerful, proprietary software for handling DSD format and other high-quality files. Born as an audio format conversion application, AudioGate was originally developed to convert recordings made on KORG's MR Series recorders, then manage and play them on computers. Today, it has grown beyond its origin as KORG's bundled software, and has earned the support of many users around the world. AudioGate 3 has been completely updated; adding numerous functions and also heightening interoperation with KORG's DS-DAC series. It has been reborn as the software at the core of KORG's audio HD playback solution.
KORG Audio Gate 3.0.2 Build 7274 Portable

AudioGate 3 supports a wide range of file formats, starting with MP3, AAC, and 44.1/48 kHz WAV as well as high-resolution formats such as 24 bit (96/192 kHz) WAV and FLAC, in addition, of course, to DSD. It can handle play lists that contain mixed bit resolutions, sample rates and even different file formats. In addition to the DAC itself, the hardware USB DAC requires software that manages and plays the audio files. Although the software has a major influence on the audio quality and the usability of the system, previous products have typically used software developed by other companies, or even freeware. The KORG AudioGate 3* software plays this role for the DS-DAC series. Setup is easy, and there are no worries about compatibility. With KORG AudioGate 3 you can experience the finest in DSD sound. - See more at: http://www.korg.com/us/products/audio/audiogate3/index.php#sthash.g1YBOIQv.dpuf

System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (32bit?64bit), Windows 7 (32bit, 64bit), Windows 8.1 (32bit, 64bit)
CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz or more is recommended
RAM: 1GB or more

KORG Audio Gate 3.0.2 Build 7274 Portable

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