Sandscomputing SewArt (x86/x64) - Punya Pribadi

Selasa, 23 September 2014

Sandscomputing SewArt (x86/x64)

Sandscomputing SewArt (x86/x64) | 15 MB

SewArt is software for converting clipart or other forms of raster and vector images into an embroidery file. Image processing tools and a step-by-step wizard are provided to produce an image suitable for yielding a high-quality embroidery stitch-out.

Features of SewArt (an auto-digitizer for embroidery files)
- Reads raster or vector format images (supported input formats include *.bmp, *.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.svg, *.wmf, and *.emf)
- Allows images in other (unsupported) file formats to be pasted into the SewArt workspace
- Converts images to high-quality embroidery files for sewing
- Supports output embroidery file formats including Brother (c) *.pes, Janome (c) *.jef, and Singer (c) *.xxx (these may be converted by SewWhat-Pro, or other embroidery editors, to a much larger variety of embroidery file formats compatible with most home and commercial machines)
- Contains image-processing tools for converting images into color-reduced, smoothed images suitable for digitizing
- Includes a variety of pattern fills which can be applied to sew individual regions of the image
- Supports both auto-digitizing and manual digitizing options to give substantial user control over the digitizing process

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Sandscomputing SewArt (x86/x64)

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