Microsoft Windows 8.1 AIO x64 (4-in-1) English Final Incl. Activator October, 2013 - Punya Pribadi

Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

Microsoft Windows 8.1 AIO x64 (4-in-1) English Final Incl. Activator October, 2013

Microsoft Windows 8.1 AIO x64 (4-in-1) English Final Incl. Activator October, 2013 | 3.84 GB | Bootable | DVD | ISO | Activator Included | *UPDATEABLE!*

LANGUAGE: en-US (English - United States)
No Windows 8.1 Settings were harmed in the making of this ISO.
No Programs are added to Windows.
No Registry Settings were modified.
These RTM Sources are Build 9600 FINAL
Installation Included:
* Windows 8.1 Core x64
* Windows 8.1 Professional x64
* Windows 8.1 Professional with Media Center x64
* Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64
Release File: Win81AIO-4in1-x64-en-US-Aug2013.iso
Release Date:30 August, 2013
Size: 3.84 GB
CRC32: 756D9E1B
MD5: 79CFD52D06BE6BFA5383BB52B9279DDA
SHA-1: 7B8277B29486F42E3EEDD178E4EE6C7C760E842C
Tools used:
-imagex for image compression, renaming, and export;
-dism for mount to set-edition for Professional with Media Center;
-oscdimg for ISO mastering.
-Unmodified RTM leak indexes.

Microsoft Windows 8.1 AIO x64 (4-in-1) English Final Incl. Activator October, 2013
Part1 || Part2 || Part3 || Part4 || Part5

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